Please find below some basic care instructions that will help you keep your piece in good condition for the years to come.

Works on Canvas

  • Keep work out of direct sunlight; this could cause colours to fade or varnishes to crack.
  • Do not lean anything against the surface of the canvas and keep it away from anything that could press against it.
  • Occasionally dust the canvas gently with a clean, dry, soft rag to prevent dust buildup. Never use cleaning products or water.
  • Hang your work away from very busy or messy areas.
  • Try to avoid subjecting the work to extreme temperature shifts.
  • Avoid covering with plastic when storing or transporting; this can trap humidity.
  • Check the condition of the work periodically.

Works on Paper

  • Keep the work out of direct sunlight; this can cause the paper to become brittle.
  • If possible, frame under glass that is protected against UV rays. Man-made light can also cause fading over time.
  • Always use acid-free paper if the work is framed with a mat or mount.
  • Try to avoid subjecting the work to extreme temperature shifts.


  • Keep work out of direct sunlight and man-made light; this can damage the exposure.
  • Keep in a cool environment with relatively low humidity and try to avoid subjecting the work to temperature shifts.
  • Do not place photographs near any heating or cooling sources.
  • Always use acid-free paper if framing the works with a mat or mount.
  • If handling the work by hand, always use clean, dry hands and keep away from any dust or food.

Sculpture / Ceramic

  • Keep the work out of direct sunlight to ensure that there is no fading or changes to the surface.
  • Clean periodically with a soft, dry duster. Never use cleaning products or water.
  • Display the work in a safe place, away from places of frequent movement.